Sunday, March 3, 2019

Psych Study Guide part 1

Study Guide for Psych

60 Questions, worth 60 points total. (Any of the following terms)
Using in-class chapter quizzes learn the following terms.
Exam starts at 6:30PM Monday night.
All things written are verbatim (word for word) in exam so pay attention to the answer in bold. The words may or may not be flipped around in test. So learn everything.

1.    Psychology is the study of behavior and mental processes

2.    Child psychology, adolescent psychology, and lifespan psychology are specialty areas within the field of psychology know as developmental psychology

3.    Social psychologists are a group of psychologists that study how people influence one another, exploring issues such as first impressions, interpersonal attraction, and how attitudes are formed and maintained.

4.    Industrial/Organizational (I/O) psychologists would be most interested in an event such as Japanese workers bringing their own ethnic standards and practices with them to work in a US plant.

5.    A specific, testable prediction about a phenomenon that organizes known facts, allows the prediction of new facts, and permits a degree of control over the new phenomenon is called a Theory

6.    Before psychology was a formal discipline, it was a branch of the general field of Philosophy.

7.    For Freud, most of our behavior is controlled by Unconscious Desires

8.    Personal theories contending that personality results from various psychological forces that interact within the individual, often outside the conscious awareness of the individual are Psychodynamic (Freud)

9.    Pavlov called his method of training Conditioning

10. Skinner added a new element to conditioning called Reinforcement

11. A mother is trying to teach her little boy to eat his cereal with a spoon. Every time he correctly does so, his mother gives him a small piece of his favorite cookie. This is an example of Reinforcement

12. Nonverbal experiences, unity of mind, and altered states of consciousness, as a means of realizing one’s full human potential are concerns of Humanistic-Psychology

13. The scientific study of mental processes in the broadest sense: thinking, feeling, making decisions and judgments is Cognitive psychology

14. The field of psychology that is concerned with the biological origins of behaviors and mental processes, their adaptive value and the purposes they continue to serve is Evolutionary psychology

15. Observing behavior as it happens in real life natural settings without imposing lab controls is known as the Naturalistic Observation Method.

16. A research method in which the real life behavior of the pre-selected individual or a few individuals is studied at an in depth level for some time through the use of observation, interviews and writings (letters) is the Case Study method of research.

17. Research in which a carefully selected group of people is asked a set of predetermined questions in interviews or through questionnaires is known as Survey Research

18. A psychologist uses the correlational method to Identify Relationships between Variables.

19. The only research method that can demonstrate a cause and effect relationship between variables is the Experimental method

20. A hemispherectomy removes the left or right side of the brain

21. The part of a neuron which contains the nucleus, the largest amount of mass in the cell, and is where the metabolism takes place is the Cell Body

22. The short fibers which extend from the neuron, allowing it to receive messages from the other neurons are Dendrites

23. The function of a neurons dendrite is to Receive Messages From Neighboring Neurons

24. The function of the neurons axon is to Conduct Electrical Impulses Toward Other Neurons

25. A group of axons bundled together is called a Nerve

26. Within a neuron information always flows From Dendrite, To Cell Body, To Axon (DCBA)

27. You are a cell in the human nervous system. Your primary function is to provide support for neurons, hold them together, and help remove waste products and other substances that could harm them. You are a Glial Cell

28. Electrically charged particles found both inside and outside the neurons are Ions

29. Another term for a neural impulse is an Action Potential

30. The “all or none” law is the principle stating that A Neuron Fires At Full Strength Or Not At All (On/Off Switch)

31. The entire area composed of the axon terminal of one neuron, the synaptic cleft, and the dendrite or cell body of the next neuron is called the Synapse

32. At the end of each branch of an axon, there is a tiny knob called the Terminal Button

33. Tiny sacs in a synaptic knob that release chemicals into the synapse are called Synaptic Vesicles

34. When a neural impulse reaches the end of an axon, it causes tiny oval sacs at the end of the axon to release chemicals called Neurotransmitters

35. Pain reducing chemicals that occur naturally in the brain are called Endorphins

36. Schizophrenia is related to an Overabundance Of Dopamine

37. Depression is linked to an Undersupply of Serotonin and Norepinephrine

38. The ability of the brain to change in response to an experience is called Neural Plasticity

39. The two main components of the human nervous system are the Central and Peripheral Nervous Systems.

40. All never cells and the fibers that are NOT in the brain or spinal cord make up the Peripheral.

41. The autonomic nervous system consists of The Parasympathetic and Sympathetic Divisions

42. The part of the brain containing the medulla, the pons and the cerebellum is the Hindbrain

43. The part of the hindbrain involved in emotional control, attention, memory, and coordinating sensory information is the Cerebellum

44. Eating, drinking, sexual behavior, sleeping and temperature control are most strongly influenced by the Hypothalamus

45. The network of neurons in the hindbrain, midbrain and part of the forebrain whose primary function is to alert and arouse the higher parts of the brain is the Reticular Formation

46. Permanent damage to the reticular formation can cause A Coma

47. The site of many mental processes that are unique to humans (self-awareness, initiative, planning ability, and goal directed behavior) is the Frontal Lobe

48. Phineas Gage was a foreman on a railroad crew who suffered brain damage in a blasting accident. After the accident he lost interest in his job and had difficulty maintaining any goal-directed behaviors. He seemed only capable of shallow emotions. The damaged part of his brain was probably the Frontal Lobe

49. The part of the brain that receives and interprets visual information is the Occipital Lobe

50. The part of the cerebral cortex that receives sensory information from throughout the body from sense receptors in the skin, muscles, joints and internal organs is the Parietal Lobe (Touch)

51. The Limbic system is responsible for Controlling Learning And Emotional Behavior

52. The thick bundle of nerves connecting the two cerebral hemispheres which coordinates their activities is the Corpus Callosum

53. The Left Hemisphere of the cerebral cortex is usually dominant in the language tasks (Left = Language)

54. The Right Hemisphere of the cerebral cortex is usually dominant in the spatial tasks (Creativity etc.)

55. When brain researchers want to map the structures in a living brain they use a CAT scan or an MRI

56. The cable of nerves that connects the brain to the rest of the body is called the Spinal Cord

57. Allan gingerly put his fingertips on the hot handle of the skillet in which he is cooking supper, but he instantly pulls his hand away. His reaction is due to the functioning of the Spinal Cord

58. The peripheral nervous system consists of All Nerve Cells That Are Not In The Brain And Spinal Cord

59. The peripheral nervous system consists of the Somatic and Autonomic nervous systems

60. The Autonomic nervous system is composed of all the neurons that carry messages between your brain and all the internal organs of your body

61. The branch of the autonomic nervous system that prepares the body for quick action in an emergency is the Sympathetic Division

62. The Parasympathetic Division is the branch of the autonomic nervous system that calms and relaxes the body.

63. The system which coordinates and integrates behavior by secreting chemicals into the bloodstream is called The Endocrine Systems

64. Chemical substances released by the endocrine glands to help regulate bodily functions are Hormones

65. The gland that produces the largest number of different hormones and the widest range of effects on the body’s functions is the Pituitary Gland

66. The endocrine glands located just above the kidneys that release hormones important for dealing with stress are the Adrenal Glands

67. Sensations are the raw data of experience

68. Perception is the mental process of sorting, identifying and arranging the raw data of experience into meaningful patterns

69. A psychologist who asked you to make a series of judgments to determine whether or not a light was present in an unlighted room would be trying to assess you Absolute Threshold for perceiving light

70. The process by which our senses adjust to varying levels of stimulation to allow them to operate as sensitively as possible without becoming overloaded is called Adaptation

71. When something occurs below our level of awareness it is said to occur Subliminally

72. The Retina contains the receptor cells responsible for vision

73. Receptor cells in the retina responsible for night vision and the perception of brightness are Rods

74. Bundles of axons of ganglion cells make up the Optic Nerve

75. The place in the retina where the axons of all the ganglion cells come together to leave the eye is called the Blind Spot

76. The Hammer, Anvil and Stirrup are the Tiny Bones In the Middle Ear

77. Auditory receptor cells are located in the Cochlea

78. The bundle of axons that carries signals from each ear to the brain is the Auditory Nerve

79. The primary destination of sound messages in the brain is the Temporal Lobe

80. Axons from the nerve cells in the nose carry messages directly to the Olfactory Bulbs of the brain

81. A chemical that communicates information to other organisms through the sense of smell is called a Pheromone

82. Structures on the tongue that contain the receptor cells are the Taste Buds

83. Our Kinesthetic senses provide specific information about muscle movement, changes in posture and strain on muscles and joints.

84. The structure in the inner ear that are particularly sensitive to body rotation are the Semicircular Canals

85. The sense organ with the most numerous receptors is the Skin

86. Information from the skin’s never receptors goes primarily to the Parietal Lobes of the brain