Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Psych study Guide

Study Guide for Psychology Part 3

OK people, once again the questions are EXACTLY how they will appear in the test. All you have to do is associate the answers with the question and you will be fine. 50 Questions picked at random from the following: Answers are in bold, uppercase and underlined.
1.       The unique pattern of characteristic thoughts, feelings and behaviors that persists over time and situations and distinguishes one person from another is called PERSONALITY

2.       All psychodynamic theorists share the sense that personality is primarily determined by UNCONSCIOUS PROCESSES

3.       The best known and most influential psychodynamic theorist is FREUD

4.       Freud believed that the personality is composed of THE ID, THE EGO, AND THE SUPER EGO

5.       The id operates according to the PLEASURE PRINCIPLE

6.       According for Freud, thinking and reasoning are controlled by the EGO

7.       According to Freud, the SUPEREGO act as our conscious

8.       According to Freud, the energy generated by the sexual instinct is known as the LIBIDO

9.       In Freud’s view, a partial or complete halt in an individual’s psychosexual development is called FIXATION

10.   According to Freud, during the first 18 months of life, the dominant source of sensual pleasure is the MOUTH

11.   According to Freud, the stage of psychosexual development in which the child’s erotic feelings center on the bladder, bowels and the process of elimination is the ANAL STAGE

12.   In Freud’s view, the stage in which our sexual impulses awaken and are directed toward mature sexual interest in the opposite sex is the LATENCY period

13.   Adler felt that some people become so fixated on their feelings of inadequacy that they develop AN INFERIORITY COMPLEX

14.   Horney believed that SOCIAL factors are the most important factors shaping personality.

15.   Horney believed that CULTURAL FORCES WERE MUCH MORE IMPORTANT THAN BIOLOGICAL FORCES in human development.

16.   HUMANISTIC theory emphasizes that humans are positively motivated and progress toward higher levels of functioning.

17.   Eysenck’s basic personality dimension that describes the degree to which someone is inwardly or outwardly oriented is INTROVERSION-EXTROVERSION

18.   Barney believes that he does not have control over his own fate. He believes that chance, luck, and the behavior of others control his life. According to Rotter, Barney has an EXTERNAL locus control.

19.   The best kind of personality test is one that is BOTH VALID AND RELIABLE

20.   To assess personality, behaviorists prefer OBSERVATION

21.   Personality tests that are administered and scored in a standard way are called OBJECTIVE tests

22.   The most widely used objective personality test is the MMPI

23.   Which personality test relies on the interpretation of inkblots to understand personality? RORSCHACH

24.   Society’s main standard for judging abnormal behavior is WHETHER BEHAVIOR CONFORMS TO WHAT IS SOCIALLY ACCEPTED

25.   The individual’s primary criterion for judging abnormal behavior is HIS OR HER SENSE OF PERSONAL WELL-BEING

27.   In ancient primitive tribes, mental illness was nearly always attributed to SUPERNATURAL POWERS

28.   The view that arose in ancient Greece that madness was like any other sickness, that mentally ill people should be treated with the same care and sympathy that are given to people suffering from physical ailments is the NATURALISTIC view.


30.   The psychoanalytic model holds that abnormal behavior is the result of UNCONSCIOUS CONFLICTS

31.   The cognitive behavioral model suggest that abnormal behavior is the result of LEARNING AND THINKING

32.   The view that biological, psychological and social risk factors combine to produce psychological problems is known as the SYSTEMS approach to abnormal behavior.


34.   DSM-IV was designed to provide a complete list of PSYCHOLOGICAL DISORDERS

35.   Disorders characterized by disturbances in a person’s emotional state are known as MOOD disorders

36.   The term “affect” is used by psychologists to refer to EMOTION

37.   The most common mood disorder is DEPRESSION

38.   An episode of intense sadness that may last for several months is called MAJOR DEPRESSIVE DISORDER.

39.   A disorder involving mild to moderate, and highly persistent sadness (and related symptoms) that may linger with little relief for up to two years is called DYSTHYMIA

40.   Which of the following people are most likely to commit suicide? AN ELDERLY MALE.


42.   The opposite of depression is MANIA

43.   A mood disorder that includes both depression and mania is known as BIPOLAR disorder

44.   Bipolar disorder is most often treated with DRUGS

45.   Depression and mania have been linked to NEUROTRANSMITTER IMBALANCES

46.   Feeling fearful but not knowing why is characteristic of ANXIETY DISORDERS

47.   An intense, paralyzing fear of a specific situation, object, person or thing in the absence of any real danger is a PHOBIC DISORDER

48.   An anxiety disorder characterized by excessive, inappropriate fears connected with public situations or performances in front of other people is A SOCIAL PHOBIA

49.   An anxiety disorder that involves multiple, intense fear of crowds, public places, and other situations that require a separation from a source of security, such as home is AGORAPHOBIA

50.   A sudden, unpredictable feeling of intense terror, with no immediately observable cause is a PANIC ATTACK

51.   An anxiety disorder in which a person feels driven to think disturbing thoughts and/or to perform senseless rituals is OBSESSIVE-COMPULSIVE disorder

52.   A condition in which episodes of anxiety, sleeplessness, and nightmares combined with hyperarousal, avoidance of situations that recall a terrifying event and re-experiencing the event in great detail is POSTTRAUMATIC STRESS disorder.

53.   Disorders in which there is real physical illness that is largely caused by psychological factors such as stress or anxiety are called PSYCHOSOMATIC disorders

54.   A tension headaches is generally thought to be the perfect example of a PSYCHOSOMATIC disorder

55.   A somatoform disorder in which a person interprets insignificant symptoms as signs of serious illness in the absence of any organic evidence of such an illness is called HYPOCHONDRIASIS

56.   A somatoform disorder in which a person becomes so preoccupied with his or her imagined ugliness that normal life is impossible is called BODY DYSMORPHIC DISORDER

57.   Disorders in which part of a person’s personality is separated from the rest and the person cannot reassemble the pieces are known as DISSOCIATIVE disorders

58.   A dissociative disorder characterized by loss of memory for past events without organic cause is DISSOCIATIVE AMNESIA

59.   A dissociative disorder in which a person has several distinct personalities that emerge at different time is known as DISSOCIATIVE IDENTITY DISORDER

60.   The most widely accepted explanation for dissociative identity disorders is that it is a response to CHILDHOOD ABUSE

61.   The loss or impairment of the ordinary physical responses of sexual ability is call SEXUAL DISFUNCTION

62.   Sexual disorders that involve unconventional sex objects or situations are call PARAPHILIAS

63.   The repeated use of non-human objects, such as a shoe or a belt, as the preferred or exclusive method of achieving sexual excitement is knows as FETISHISM

64.   Sexual arousal as a result of fantasizing about or engaging in sexual activity with prepubescent children is PEDOPHILIA

65.   People with PERSONALITY disorders develop inflexible and maladaptive ways of thinking and acting that are so exaggerated and rigid that they cause serious distress and social problems.

66.   People who are suspicious, mistrustful, and hypersensitive to possible threats, or tricks, without any reason to be, have PARANOID personality disorder

67.   Whenever Bonnie passes a mirror she thinks to herself how gorgeous she is and how she will soon be recognized as an international beauty. In a crowd, she is unhappy unless she is the center of attention. Bonnie has a NARCISSISTIC personality disorder

68.   A personality disorder characterized by marked instability in self-image, mood and interpersonal relationships is BORDERLINE personality disorder

69.   People who lie, cheat, steal, show little or no sense of responsibility, and no guilt or remorse for their behavior have ANTISOCIAL personality disorder

70.   SCHIZOPHRENIC disorders are marked by disordered communication and thoughts, inappropriate emotions, and bizarre behaviors.

71.   The psychological term for someone who is mentally disturbed to the point of not being in contact with reality and not being legally responsible for his or her actions is PSYCHOTIC

72.   The legal terms for someone who is so mentally disturbed that he or she is not considered responsible for his or her criminal actions is INSANITY

73.   False sensory perception that often take the form of hearing voices are called HALLUCINATIONS

74.   False beliefs about reality with no factual basis are known as DELUSIONS

75.   Jason is highly distractible, often fidgety and impulsive, and constantly in motion. While Jason has been this way since infancy, it is only now that he is in school that it has become a problem. Jason’s behavior is typical of someone suffering from ATTENTION-DEFICIT/HYPERACTIVITY DISORDER.  

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